A fantasy-adventure between adventures, wherein five heroes encounter monsters, magic, fighting, and friendship in the conveniently located Goblin’s Head Inn.
Enjoy this show that we love! Calling All Adventurers is a radio show for anyone who needs a fantastical job, some dungeon news, and the mysterious backstory of the humble host. Subscribe using this link: https://anchor.fm/s/f747e864/podcast/rss Be advised that this episode contains some swearing and violence.
FEED DROP: Welcome to the Brass Eagle
Transcript here: thegoblinshead.com/listen. Welcome to the Brass Eagle is a ten-episode fantasy story about a teleporting inn. Sound familiar? Welcome to the Brass Eagle is crowdfunding! Go to bit.ly/brasseaglepod. For more about Welcome to the Brass Eagle, visit www.brasseaglepod.com.
5.13: The Trap
The Lowlifes didn't see this coming. Special guests this episode were Rae Lundberg (they/them) as Dorighet the Trapper, and Matt James (he/him) as Walritt. Transcript is at TheGoblinsHead.com/listen. Inn Between will return for season six! See you soon!
5.12: The Artifice
The Lowlifes hammer out some last details. Transcript here: TheGoblinsHead.com/listen. This is the penultimate episode of season five! Tune in for our season finale in two weeks!
5.11: The Economy
The Lowlifes learn about boundaries. This episode featured the voice of Ren (she/they) as Taviv'ka! Find them on Twitter @Ren_cant. Transcripts for this and every episode can be found here: TheGoblinsHead.com/listen.
A fantasy-adventure between adventures, wherein five heroes encounter monsters, magic, fighting, and friendship in the conveniently located Goblin’s Head Inn.