Murphy’s Inc. is an audio science fiction adventure that follows an organization led by Murphy with her two agents, Michael and Daphne, as they and their rag-ta...
The Titanic has struck an iceberg. It is now taking on water, and our team has yet to locate Murphy. They have become acquainted with the Shadow Squad, but will the combined efforts be enough to save Murphy and return in time…
The Easy Way or The Hard Way
While things have seemed not quite right to Michael and Daphne, the team has finally located Murphy and is now prepared to jump to April 11th, 1912, to get on board the doomed ship known as the Titanic. Can they find Murphy and return to HQ before finding themselves in a watery grave?
Fix It
The team has been arrested and is to stand trial for practicing Seiðr. They are believed to be the source of the dancing plague and will likely be hung. Meanwhile, Gleeson and Isak fight over decisions that must be made in the company's best interest.
First Tell me what you Know
Martin Bucer is in pretty bad shape, while Philippe is back to his rare form. James & Hart get better acquainted with Xavier, while Sebastian and his soldiers continue their Völur hunt.
Must Be Stopped
Michael & Daphne meet an interesting Reformer, while James & Hart find themselves in the back of a freedom fighters wagon. Back at HQ the team continues researching, while the Shadow Squad prepares for their mission.
Murphy’s Inc. is an audio science fiction adventure that follows an organization led by Murphy with her two agents, Michael and Daphne, as they and their rag-tag team travel through time to steal precious artifacts. Along the way, they’ll meet famous historical figures, weave through danger, and experience historical events shown only in dusty, faded textbooks. Intrigue, thrills, and betrayal follow as they jump deep into the past.