A podcast about ultrarunning and ultrarunners from Mount to Coast - shoes for runners who transcend distance.
Your host is British runner and journalist Andy Wa...
Ben Blankenship has been an Olympian, a world record holder, and a champion miler.
Now, as a Mount to Coast athlete, he’s embarking on a journey from the track to ultra-marathons. This is a fascinating conversation where we cover a wide range of topics, from his approach to training, the similarities and differences between running on the track and racing long distances, and his approach to shoe technology.
You can read an interview with Ben on the Mount to Coast website: https://mounttocoast.com/blogs/go-beyond/ben-blankenship
Mount to Coast podcast #3 - Megan Eckert & Sierra DeGroff
We speak with US ultrarunners (and Mount to Coast supported athletes) Megan Eckert and Sierra DeGroff about their journeys to ultra running, the challenges they've faced, and their upcoming goals.
Mount to Coast podcast #2 - Trishul Cherns & Viktoria Brown, GOMU and the 6-Day World Champs
In episode 2 of the podcast we speak to Trishul Cherns & Viktoria Brown about the Global Organization of Multi-Day Ultramarathoning and the Mount to Coast sponsored 6-Day World Championships in Hungary.
Mount to Coast podcast #1 - Justin Montague, record breaking ultrarunner
In Episode 1 of the Mount to Coast podcast we speak to record-breaking ultrarunner, former Marine and current vicar Justin Montague about his journey into ultra distance running, his route through the army, and how he ended up as a parish vicar in a remote parish in a beautiful part of England.
Your host is British writer and runner Andy Waterman.
This podcast is produced by Mount to Coast, shoes for runners who transcend distance. Learn more at mounttocoast.com
A podcast about ultrarunning and ultrarunners from Mount to Coast - shoes for runners who transcend distance.
Your host is British runner and journalist Andy Waterman.