A recent essay suggested that the evolution to English as the prevailing Liturgical language in Orthodox parishes in America, "intentionally or accidentally, contributed to xenophobia" in the United States. What's the Orthodox tradition when it comes to liturgical language?
The Legacy of Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko
March 18 marks the 10th anniversary of the falling asleep of Fr Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of St Vladimir's Seminary, author of numerous books, and popular speaker and podcaster. Join us as we look at the legacy of one of America's most impactful Orthodox teachers.
Penal Substitutionary Atonement and Orthodoxy
What's the truth about Penal Substitutionary Atonement according to the Scriptures and expounded by the Fathers?
I Don't Get, "He Gets Us."
The "He Gets Us" campaign is a billion dollar ad blitz, presenting Jesus as a palatable everyman who is nice, very nice. Is that a problem?
Do All Dogs Really Go to Heaven?
Our pets are beloved household companions. What does Orthodox Christianity teach about animals and the Kingdom of God?