Spectrum is the brand new radio show and events series by Joris Voorn, aallowing him to share the full reach of his extensive musical tastes with both his loyal...
Spectrum is the brand new radio show and events series by Joris Voorn, aallowing him to share the full reach of his extensive musical tastes with both his loyal fan base and new listeners alike. The show will reflect this with regular premiers of new music from Joris and other artists in his world, as well as regularly featuring live sets captured at some of the world's most iconic dance music venues.
See The Wide Spectrum - https://www.facebook.com/thewidespectrum
Get involved with The Wide Spectrum - http://jorisvoorn.com
Ascolta Joris Voorn presents: Spectrum Radio, I grandi del Jazz - Intesa Sanpaolo On Air e molti altri podcast da tutto il mondo con l’applicazione di radio.it