Did you miss us? Yes. Yes, you did. New facts! We're back! New episodes... Soonish? No schedule, but we'll do more! It's fun. We're fun. You're welcome.
9: Elephants Can Hear Cats With Their Mattress
Did you know that Elephants can hear with their *SPOILER*? And that cats used to *SPOILER* and *SPOILER*? Moreover, *SPOILER* *SPOILER* *SPOILER*! Isn't that *SPOILER*? Also: Stroke updates! And we put the "FUN" back in "funeral"!
08: Pants! The tree drank too many coconuts and died 😢
This week, we discover many things! A tree that actually is 40.000 trees! What? Also: you can die if you drink too much coconut water! Or if you drink too much anything, I guess. Furthermore: PANTS!
07: Actually A Minute This Time
If a colorblind swan dies in Amsterdam, did it really die?
BONUS: Yara Forgot How To Record
This was the REAL episode 7, only Yara didn't press record, so it's only Sio and Nico and it doesn't make a lot of sense.
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