Hi, I’m Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and this is my twice weekly podcast where I offer practical thoughts on self improvement, mindfulness and how to l...
682 - The Truth About Love That Lasts (w/ Yung Pueblo)
In this episode, I'm joined by #1 New York Times Best-Selling author Yung Pueblo to talk about how to love better. We talk about attachment, "how to argue," and the difference between a love that lasts and a love that does not.Be sure to pick up Yung Pueblo's new Book "How to Love Better" anywhere you buy books.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
681 - Rethinking "right person, wrong time"
In this episode, I talk about "right person, wrong time" and why I say “it was the wrong person for the life you’re meant to have.” I talk about 4 logical ways to free yourself of thinking you missed your shot at love.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
680 - The day bad drivers stop bothering you, you’re free.
In this episode, I talk about the areas in our life where we're NOT free. I talk about freedom vs. control and how to find unlimited peace in your life.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
In this episode, I talk about why "walk away power" and how it empowers you to be more fully present in life. I talk about self-abandonment and letting go of fear of being alone.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
678 - Why is everything "sooooo embarrassing?"
In this episode, I talk about why you're never truly free in life until you let go of "embarrassment." I talk about why we keep ourselves small and the illogical nature of embarrassment.My book, "That's Bold of you" is available on Amazon.Instagram: @case.kenny
Hi, I’m Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and this is my twice weekly podcast where I offer practical thoughts on self improvement, mindfulness and how to live your best life.
It’s a different kind of podcast. I'm just a dude living his life sharing some perspective. No gurus, no fluff and no preaching of generic life advice… just my thoughts on self-help, wellness, and mindsets with practical and personal insights on how to live a passionate, purposeful and happy life.
Join me Mondays and Thursdays. Let's go!