Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.
Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) an...
Today, we will discuss the famous book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This story takes us to the 1920s, a time of jazz music, big parties, and fancy clothes in the United States. The Great Gatsby is about a rich and mysterious man named Jay Gatsby. He lives in a huge house and has big parties every weekend, but not many people know much about him. Nick Carraway, Gatsby's neighbor, who has just moved to the area, tells the story. Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/321-the-great-gatsby-for-beginners/
Black Friday 2024 - FAQ
Hi! This week is a bit special because it is Black Friday and all my courses have a 60% discount. I've received several messages with questions about the courses. In this short episode, I'm gonna try to answer some frequently asked questions. By the way, you can get the deal at: speakenglishpodcast.com/blackfriday
#320 How to order food in a restaurant in the USA
Today, I'll talk about how to order food in a restaurant in the United States! We'll review helpful phrases, cultural tips about tipping, and how to ask for a takeaway box. Plus, we'll practice fluency with a mini-story. Understanding the Menu When you go to a restaurant in the U.S., you'll usually get a menu that's divided into sections: Appetizers – small dishes served before the main course. Entrées – are your main dishes. Sides – small portions of your meal, like fries or salad. Desserts – sweet treats to end your meal! Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/320-how-to-order-food-in-a-restaurant-in-the-usa/
#319 How to Vote in the USA
This week, we had elections in the U.S., which is a great time to discuss voting! I’ll explain how voting works in the USA —who can vote, how to do it, and some useful words. If voting seems confusing, don’t worry—I’ll make it simple. Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :) Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/319-how-to-vote-in-the-usa/
#318 Ghosts, Ghosting — Halloween 2024
Today, we'll talk about ghosting, why it happens, and how to handle it. Plus, we'll practice some grammar in context with a Point-of-View story. Since Halloween is coming, let's talk about something spooky—ghosts and ghosting. I don't believe in real ghosts, but they are fun to see in stories, movies, and on Halloween! A ghost is the spirit of a person who has died, and people imagine they appear and disappear mysteriously. Get the transcript on my website:
Su Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.
The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You won’t need any grammar nor boring exercises. You will also learn about the English culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on learning English. All the audio is in English and you can get the text at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
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