Get your holy fix with Beto & Mili!
We've got the scoop on the smartest Christian thinkers, the Bible and the latest culture news.
It's like Sunday school, bu...
#130 I can't afford to have a Girlfriend | Neil Massaro
Neil Massaro is Track and Cross Country Coach at Pacifica Christian HighSchool. He wrote the book 'Intruding Eden' where he shares his faith journey and spiritual warfare. Watch the full episode Subscribe to ChristianPodcast+
#129 Leaving Christian Music Industry from Guardian to Kalamity Kills || Jamie Rowe
Jamie Rowe former lead vocalist of Guardian who had huge popularity in Latin America. He shares the journey into his solo project turned band Kalamity Kills @kalamitykills and awesome insights behind the music world at his current position with @TruetoneFX #podcast #christianmusic #rock #faith Access Full Episode Exclusive Content at:
#128 Calling ALL CHRISTIANS! Why Fasting IS A MUST
Dr. Pete Patitsas shares ULTRA relevant insights into the benefits (Spiritual and Physical) of Fasting.Watch full episode on by joining Theophilians Club (those who love God) for only $2 a month. Get the Athos Diet Book on Amazon:
#127 Why are all these Countries in America? The Great 10/40 Window Reversal
Bud Fuchs serves as "Cross-cultural" equipper with the North American Baptist conference. Part of his ministry is working on campus with international students.
He has been a pastor, missionary and has reached international students, immigrants and refugees for more than 30 years. Bud is author of 'Without a passport; reaching the global community living in our community' (see link to amazon below).
In this episode we will cover:
What is the 10/40 Window, why are all these countries in the United States?
What does the Bible say about the foreigner?
What is the Christian Response?
We analyze Vance's stance on foreign policy as he recently declared "There's a Christian idea" did he mean to care for America first?
Are you over 65?
How can white hair "missionaries" be a part of growing our churches through engaging in conversation with international students?
Join Theophilians Club for Full episodeTheophilians Club (is like Patron) on our website.
Join the community of 'Those who love God' to access full livestreams, exclusive content in English and Spanish.
Follow Bud on Facebook:
Wihtout a Passport: #podcast #immigration #international #missions
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