Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we dive into the GATE program. A program that was designed to help the gifted and talented youth of our nation flourish. However it seems that many people had a different experience within this program. People recall all types of things while participating. They remember being taken into a windowless room and preforming a strange hearing test. They also remember plenty of tests that were given like, puzzles, analogies, debates, crafting, alternate history books, and bizarre questions like “why do we have skin?”. All of a sudden these people are starting to remember this strange program from their youth. Could it be they are all remembering because whatever blocked their memory is wearing off? Or is it more likely they sense something coming in the future? Maybe they all are being woken up to fulfill their purpose. We hope you enjoy the show and as always stay safe and stay weird. Check out Zocdoc: https://zocdoc.com/HOLO1Check out Mood and use my code HOLO for a great deal: https://mood.comFacebook and Twitter @holoskypodcastInstagram @ theholoskypodcast If you have an experience of your own you'd like to share with us please do. You can email us at
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