How Can Murder and True Crime Point Others to Jesus? with Jimmy and J. Warner Wallace
Why are so many people fascinated with evil stories of murder, and true crime? And more importantly, can we use that fascination to point them to Jesus? Christianity is the only worldview that answers the problem of evil adequately, and now there’s a new graphic novel that tackles this big question in a way that’s both artistic and compelling!This week, Frank sits down with cold-case detective and bestselling author, J. Warner Wallace, along with his son and co-author, Jimmy Wallace, to discuss their new book, 'Case Files: Murder and Meaning’. As a father-son duo with deep roots in law enforcement, they’re using their real-life experiences to craft a crime story that sneaks apologetics into an action-packed graphic novel. Tune in as they address questions like:Why do so many police officers become cynical, and what does that reveal about human nature?How did their experience in law enforcement help Jim and Jimmy to write this story?What makes 'Case Files' different from other apologetics books?How can storytelling help people wrestle with questions about morality and justice?What are some of the biggest misconceptions that the public has about police and detective work?How did the George Floyd and BLM riots radically shift the police world?What are some of the common internal and psychological struggles of police officers?How did Jim overcome his season of identity crisis once he retired?Be sure to pre-order your copy of 'Case Files: Murder and Meaning' and then head to Jim's website to grab some exclusive bonus resources! If you know anyone who loves crime stories, comics, or big questions about life, this book might just be the tool that sparks some amazing faith conversations!Jim's website: Warner Wallace & Jimmy's New Book: Truth in True Crime: Christianity: of Interest:
C.S. Lewis on How Do Demons Deceive Us? Plus Q&A
Why is propaganda and empty rhetoric so appealing to some people? In this midweek episode, Frank explains how the first of 'The Screwtape Letters' by C.S. Lewis perfectly illustrates the way demons manipulate human beings, now and throughout history. He'll also explore the recent power struggles between the Trump Administration and the lower district court judge who blocked Trump's transgender military ban. Frank will answer questions like:Why is using "jargon" instead of evidence-based arguments not good thinking?What specific tactics does C.S. Lewis say demons use to tempt humans and where do we see evidence of this happening in our culture today?Do all people have the right or privilege to serve in the military?Was Trump's decision to say transgender people are not qualified to serve in the military unconstitutional?Why is it so difficult to impeach judges, and do we really have only three branches of government?What do a lot of people get wrong about Islam?Frank also tackles some listener questions about who will be resurrected (is it only Christians?) and whether an old-earth contradicts biblical genealogies. Plus, he’ll reveal details about his numerous speaking events coming up this spring—so listen closely to see if he's coming to a city near you!Resources mentioned during the episode:The ScrewTape Letters by C.S. Lewis - Judge Appoints Himself President - Days that Divide the World - Case for Old-Earth Creationism (Genealogy Info) - Theology by Wayne Grudem -
How to Raise Brave Kids to Have Bold Faith with Kirk Cameron
How do you capture your child’s attention so they know and live THE truth of Jesus while ensuring they aren’t indoctrinated by secularism? This week, Frank sits down with actor and conservative activist, Kirk Cameron, to talk about his partnership with Brave Books and his new children’s program, 'Iggy & Mr. Kirk', designed to train kids in the Lord. Together they tackle questions like:How did Kirk become a Hollywood actor at the age of 10 and then make the transition from atheism to Christianity?Why did Kirk need bodyguards and bulletproof vests when reading wholesome books at public libraries?What excuse do many Christians use to avoid engaging in culture battles instead of creating solutions to make things better?What does Kirk mean when he says there's two groups of people in the world--reporters and reformers?What makes 'Iggy & Mr. Kirk' different from every other television program made for kids?What Brave Book titles do Frank's grandchildren ask him to read to them over and over again?If you want to be one of the first to get a sneak peek of 'Iggy & Mr. Kirk' and find out how your family can watch this brand-new series, along with more than 50 parent-approved shows that teach Christian values, don’t miss this fun and family-friendly episode of 'I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!'Resources mentioned during the episode:Kirk's website:'s book 'Born to Be Brave': more about 'Iggy and Mr. Kirk': Books: Streaming Entertainment for Kids: Podcast: Campfire Revival:
Is Christianity Making a Comeback? with Cliffe & Stuart Knechtle
Are we witnessing a renewed interest in God, Christianity, and Jesus in today’s culture? Frank welcomes back our favorite father-son duo, Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle from the popular Youtube channel, 'Give Me an Answer', to share their unique insights into the recent rise of Christianity in the West, particularly on college campuses. Tune in as they answer key questions like:What major cultural shifts has Cliffe observed over the past 40 years, and why has he softened his approach?Why are young people today so anxious, and what is their biggest fear?What are some of the most common misconceptions and objections to Christianity that Cliffe and Stuart encounter, and how do they respond?Why should we care about sin?How should Christians address the topic of homosexuality and other cultural issues with grace and truth?How did the Knechtles end up on popular shows with Logan Paul, Alex O'Connor, and George Janko?How important is it to have an eternal perspective on life, and why is God’s judgment actually good news?Cliffe and Stuart’s commitment to open-air preaching has led to incredible ministry growth—but not without its challenges! Find out what’s happening on the frontlines, where they’ll be traveling next, how you can be praying for them, and simple ways you can support their mission!Connect with Cliffe and Stuart in-person or online using the links below!YouTube: Community Church:
Did the Apostles REALLY Die as Martyrs? with Dr. Sean McDowell
How much evidence exists for the martyrdom of the apostles? Did they REALLY die for their faith? Forget 'Foxe’s Book of Martyrs'—the second edition of Sean McDowell's, 'The Fate of the Apostles', is today's go-to comprehensive resource for studying the martyrdom accounts of the apostles! Tune in as Frank and Sean investigate what really happened to the closest followers of Jesus and answer questions like:What incident spurred Sean to make 'The Fate of the Apostles' the topic of his doctoral dissertation?What updates has Sean made to the second edition of his book?Was Peter crucified upside-down and how did this tradition get started?Which apostles does Sean believe have the highest (and lowest) probabilities of being martyred?Is there evidence that any of the apostles recanted their testimony?Is John the only apostle who died from natural causes?If we say martyrdom proves Christianity is true, what about the martyrs of other religions?Is there good reason to believe that Joseph Smith died as a martyr for Mormonism?Christians often use the martyrdom of the apostles to defend the credibility of Jesus' death and resurrection, but could we be overstating the case? Don't miss this fascinating episode of 'I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist' to learn the answers!Resources mentioned during the episode:Sean’s website: Fate of the Apostles (2nd Edition):