Before you can read an Akashic Record for others it's helpful to know what the Akashics is, how to navigate through it, and how to read your own. Each episode...
Discussing how life is an experience which causes us to learn and adapt no matter what. So it's not whether we stop being able to learn, but if we wish to engage in learning or have learning thrust upon us.
How to Know What You Don't Know Yet
Discussing various techniques for discovering what you don't know you don't know and what to do after.
Salamander Transformation
Taking a detailed look at the Salamander transformation metaphor which is not about celebration but rather response to unexpected events, healing, and reclaiming of our authentic selves,
Manifesting Our Emotional Wisdom
Looking at the wisdom in our emotions, the information they provide concerning our current path and projects, as well as the energy they provide to propel what we're attempting to manifest into being.
Transmuting BUT Into I GET TO
Seeing how to unstick things by taking on a Lego perspective.
Before you can read an Akashic Record for others it's helpful to know what the Akashics is, how to navigate through it, and how to read your own. Each episode will explore an aspect of the Akashics ranging from general information on how to access it, discussions of beings who reside there and how to interact with them, tours of unusual or lesser known areas of the Akashics, healing practices, Akashic meditations, and of course discussions about the Akashic Library and your soul book. These discussions are focused on how to help you use the wisdom you gain in the Akashics to create the life you desire and deserve.