While education and experience are critical for the working scientist, there is another factor that makes all the difference in the lab: happy people are more p...
Objective Introspection to Strengthen Your Scientific Career
#81 — Periodically directing your gaze inward can clarify your current position, past journey, and future aspirations.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, explore the vital practice of taking a self-inventory. Hear how to conduct this introspection effectively—steering clear of overly positive illusions, harsh self-criticism, and potential disappointment. Plus, get practical strategies for maintaining a balanced and honest self-assessment.What you learn will ultimately foster personal growth and resilience in your scientific career and ensure continuous progress without overwhelming yourself.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com#Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science. https://bitesizebio.com/the-happy-scientist-reference-pack/?ref=bsb-podcast
Why Be a Mentor to Other Scientists?
Ever feel a mix of frustration and nostalgia when you see new faces in the lab, fresh and full of questions? Are you the kind of person who takes them under your wing, or does their naivety annoy you and get in the way of your lab work?It’s easy to forget that we all started somewhere, and mentoring these budding scientists is the key to advancing not only their careers but also science as a whole. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we explore the vital role of mentorship in the lab. Discover how you can become an effective guide for the next generation of scientists, the benefits of sharing your knowledge and experience, and the surprising ways mentorship can enrich your own professional journey.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com#Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science. https://bitesizebio.com/the-happy-scientist-reference-pack/?ref=bsb-podcast
How to Effectively Wield Your Ambition
Naked ambition is a powerful characteristic, yet it can easily become overpowering—for you and your colleagues.This could endanger your work connections and harm your reputation, especially in situations where teamwork is highly valued. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, explore the potent quality of ambition and how to use it most effectively to create accomplishment regarding tasks, projects, and career advancement.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com#Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science. https://bitesizebio.com/the-happy-scientist-reference-pack/?ref=bsb-podcast
Getting Dead Practical about To-Do Lists II: Overcoming Task Avoidance
#78 — In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we dive into the emotional patterns that hinder the smooth operation of any to-do list system.These emotional barriers can sabotage even the most well-crafted to-do lists. Let's get to the root of these emotional barriers and empower you to work more effectively. Join us as we explore the psychological factors that influence our productivity and learn strategies to overcome them.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com#Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science. https://bitesizebio.com/the-happy-scientist-reference-pack/?ref=bsb-podcast
Getting Dead Practical about To-Do Lists I: Aligning Lists with Your Work Style
Is your to-do list downstream of your work style, or your work style downstream of your to-do list?Do you prefer to write down everything you need to do for the day and then execute as many tasks as possible?Or do you prefer to get stuck in for the day, and then decide what you need to do?Your to-do list is your daily plan and sometimes an alarm clock. It gets you closer to your objectives by defining tasks. But, to be effective, it needs to match your working style and define what you actually need to get done. (Yes, what you need to get done and want to get done are very different!)Let's get your to-do list working for you.In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we examine different practical ways to tailor your to-do lists to your work style. You will come away from this episode with easy wins to boost your productivity without significantly changing your approach to your work routine.Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com#Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
If you enjoyed this episode and want more practical tips on being a happy and successful scientist, we can help. Download The Happy Scientist Reference Pack today, and reignite your passion for science. https://bitesizebio.com/the-happy-scientist-reference-pack/?ref=bsb-podcast
While education and experience are critical for the working scientist, there is another factor that makes all the difference in the lab: happy people are more productive. Yours is a serious mission, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy carrying out that mission. Your well being impacts both your work and your career. Each episode of The Happy Scientist dials in on hands on, actionable steps you can take to make sure you stay happy, focused and satisfied in the lab. Join us to experience a more fulfilling career in bioscience.