Where health & fitness meets magic & witchcraft. ✨Join Emily, Druidic High Priestess & the founder of Fitness Witchcraft which helps witches to become mentally ...
Working with Spirit Guides gets to be completely normal when you’re a witch, so today we’re bringing together a panel of witches who work with guides in a variety of different ways. We’re going over who they work with, the fears & skepticism they had when first working with guides, & what their overall experiences have been like. From Flidais to Death, The Morrigan, Apollo, Hestia, Hera, & Hecate… & everyone in between!🐦⬛Spirit Guides + Deity WorkThe next live round begins April 2025! >>Join here<<➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on TikTok🔮Join the FACEBOOK GROUP Fitness Tips for Witches
Releasing Panic Attacks, Binge Eating, & Losing Weight with Hanna in The Warrior Goddess Program
Hanna is entering her second year in The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program & she's back on the podcast to share all about what her first full year was like & what her experience was like on an in person VIP weekend with me. We go over how she lost 15lbs & maintained it after consistently gaining weight every year for years prior to the program, released binge eating, released panic attacks despite CPTSD, how she graduated from therapy, & how she navigated some big life changes with ease within the program.Connect with Hanna on Tiktok: @wandering.moon.creativeForest Therapy - rootedwithindiana.comAltar Tools/Decor - wanderingmooncr.com 🐦⬛Spirit Guides + Deity WorkThe next live round begins April 2025! >>Join here<<➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on TikTok🔮Join the FACEBOOK GROUP Fitness Tips for Witches
The Athena Archetype
Breaking down the Athena Fitness Goddess Archetype in the last of this mini series going over each of the four Fitness Goddess Archetypes. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet be sure to take it before listening to the episode. The Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz pairs you with a goddess based off your subconscious health self sabotage patterns. We’re going over the Athena archetype, what that means for your physical & mental health, & how you can start to work with Athena to help you release these responses.🖤Take the Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz >>here<< 💜Grab the Fitness Witchcraft Exploration mini course >>here<< ➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here➡️Other Fitness Witchcraft Programs & Mini Courses >>here<<🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on TikTok🔮Join the FACEBOOK GROUP Fitness Tips for Witches
The Persephone Archetype
Breaking down the Persephone Fitness Goddess Archetype in the third of this mini series that will be going over each of the four Fitness Goddess Archetypes. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet be sure to take it before listening to the episode. The Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz pairs you with a goddess based off your subconscious health self sabotage patterns. We’re going over the Persephone archetype, what that means for your physical & mental health, & how you can start to work with Persephone to help you release these responses.🖤Take the Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz >>here<< 💜Grab the Fitness Witchcraft Exploration mini course >>here<< ➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here➡️Other Fitness Witchcraft Programs & Mini Courses >>here<<🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on TikTok🔮Join the FACEBOOK GROUP Fitness Tips for Witches
The Aphrodite Archetype
Breaking down the Aphrodite Fitness Goddess Archetype in the second of this mini series that will be going over each of the four Fitness Goddess Archetypes. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet be sure to take it before listening to the episode. The Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz pairs you with a goddess based off your subconscious health self sabotage patterns. We’re going over the Aphrodite archetype, what that means for your physical & mental health, & how you can start to work with Aphrodite to help you release these responses.🖤Take the Fitness Goddess Archetype quiz >>here<< 💜Grab the Fitness Witchcraft Exploration mini course >>here<< ➡️The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program...empowering witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.➡️ Sign up here➡️Other Fitness Witchcraft Programs & Mini Courses >>here<<🥳CONNECT WITH ME:Check out Emily's Recipe BlogFind her on InstagramFind her on TikTok🔮Join the FACEBOOK GROUP Fitness Tips for Witches
Where health & fitness meets magic & witchcraft. ✨Join Emily, Druidic High Priestess & the founder of Fitness Witchcraft which helps witches to become mentally & physically healthy after trauma for advice & discussions that relate to your wellbeing--from science based nutritional advice to magic, deity work, & all the psychology that backs it up.