Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is...
A briefing on the importance of the First Ten Days of Zulhijjah.• Why should we follow Mecca’s/Mawlana’s calendar?• Which calendar is best to follow?• Can I follow my local Islamic calendar?• What are the best devotions/deeds of Zulhijjah?
The Subtle Sin & The People of Lot (AS)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 1) Mankind are constantly in sin yet the Mercy of Allahﷻ is so wide that no punishment befalls sinners immediately. Heﷻ Waits for the sinner to seek repentance.2) Many take advantage of the Clemency of Allahﷻ and are awakened to seek forgiveness only through a Musibah (test/trial/unfortunate event).3) In our times of social media, many heinous crimes of the Nations before are today celebrated and encouraged.4) What is the actual ‘media’ believers should focus on?5) Why must we be very careful, especially those with children, to understand, explain and weed out satanic ideologies? 6) How can a believer become cursed, like the wife of Sayyidina Lutع, with a subtle sin she possessed?5) Is it alright for a Muslim to believe a crime/sin, like LGBT, may be acceptable?6) There are many studies quoted that give confidence to the LGBT movement, is it not true? 7) What does the Quran say about these people and is it a disease?Please do listen to the full Sohbah and find answers to the questions above.
Copy the Practises of Our Guides
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem A Synopsis:1) Our Shuyukh and Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق left behind a Wasiat, a legacy of advice, that will last 100 years. Within hisق Sohbahs and practises are treasures for seekers in this Way to copy and follow, diligently.2) Reciting at least 40 times, ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem’ is one such daily Zikir Shaykh Nazimق advised mureeds to practice. Doing 100 times is best, and 1000 times after Fajr opens the heart to Divine Lights.The one practicing will amass an immense reward of the entire ‘Time’ The Holy Pen took to write these Sacred Words and by virtue of the Arabic grammar, it is an incomplete sentence that is only completed through an action. This is hence, the reason, a believer must begin his every action in such reliance of Allahﷻ,and is encouraged to aspire/intend to perform the very best in worshipping. ‘Dreaming Big’ is virtuous.3) Reciting at least 40 times and in every Raka’at of Solah, ‘AuzubilLahis Sami’il ‘Alim minashaitonnirojim’ is also a daily practice in this Way that will save one from satanic whispers.4) Ever wonder why do we remember and forget things peculiarly best, during Solah? 5) How did Imam Abu Hanifahر help a forgetful man remember and retrieve his buried treasure with a special prayer?6) What is the Dua of Sayyidatina Mariam’sر mother when she received her newborn daughter, that saved the holy child from being touched by shaitan?Please do watch the full Sohbah and find answers to the questions above..Telegram Channel: Bahasa
Advice on Serving Parents & Raising Children
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1) As children grow older and marry, many visit their parents less and often neglect their needs at old age. Allahﷻ ordered for children to be of service to their folks and to treat them with kindness.Learning from my life as a child/parent, I wish to have kept very close to my late parents when I just married. Time flew by very quickly as we built our own families, and the drifting away from our parents creates a void in their hearts and a loss of blessings in our lives. Before you know it, they have left this temporary abode.2) When you marry, don't make your parents feel that they had lost a child. Instead make them feel that they gained another child (your spouse).3) My parents are deceased, can I still be of service to them?4) There is a living Wali in every righteous mother. Hence, a righteous child will first seek the dua and blessings from his mother and father. 5) Parents with young children or those yet to be married must take note of a very important establishment in early childhood in order for their children to grow up practicing Islam with ease.6) Children develop their ego at 11 years old. Hence you must know the importance of organising a schedule and a regular system of worshipping, from very young. What is the best age to begin teaching Islamic and Tariqah practices to our children?7) What is the most effective method of implementing Islamic practices like Solah and Quranic memorisation?8) Does my child think “What is important to my parents, important to me?”Parents need to be an example to, and to worship with, your children. They learn by example.Replace all swear words and unIslamic exclamations with Zikrullah. Build the habit from young. Learn the simple daily duas or simply recite Basmalah at every act.Please do listen to the full Sohbah and answers to the questions above..Telegram Channel: Bahasa
Be Respectful To All
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد الله 1) Allah has honoured Mankind, yet Man does not give that honour to each other. Every problem or trouble in dunia is coming from disrespect to each other - between husband & wife, parents & children, boss & workers, government & citizens, countries & neighbours. If all extended the highest respect for each others rights, like the Angels making sujud to Adam alaihisalam, this world would be a Paradise.2) Why we must respect everyone like a hidden Saint, like Khidr alaihisalam, a story that will make you realise this.3) Why we must always redha to our family, even if they disrespect us- a story of the great lady Saint, Sayyidatina Nafisah Thohirah RA.4) How to overcome anger by using a mirror...
Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is advice.” Religion is not a lecture for a scholar to give and go. It is advice, and advice doesn’t come except through experience. Advice cannot be theoretical.Sayyidina Shah Naqshaband said, “tariqatuna as-suhbah wal-khayru fil-jam`iyya” – “Our tariqat is association, it is keeping company, sohbah, association, and the best of the gathering is in coming together.” Or it can be said, “Our way is guidance, and the best is in association.” Without association, without advice, there is no way to benefit.🌹 KINDLY NOTE: The recordings in this podcast are initiated and personally documented by student attendees of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil Ar Rabbani, the 41st Leader of the Nasqhbandi Aliyyah Sufi Order, in Singapore.
Ascolta 2022/06 Jun-July Zulkaedah 1443H Sohbah, Viaggio alla scoperta della spiritualità e molti altri podcast da tutto il mondo con l’applicazione di