"Cybersecurity Warrior" is content designed and created by Nicolas Fasolo for all professionals working in the field of computer science who want to understand ...
Episode dedicated to defense! Here, we will learn some techniques to defend against reconnaissance actions targeting us or our company. Throughout the episode, all the points raised in the previous episode will be analyzed, providing at least one solution that will significantly enhance the security posture.Follow me on Spotify, LinkedIn, and Instagram "@nick.soc" to stay updated on new releases!
Ep. 1 - Reconnaissance
In this episode, we take a deep dive into the reconnaissance techniques that can be used in various types of methods. Get ready for many RED TEAM insights and to discover the true perspective of the attacker...Follow me on Spotify, Linkedin, and Instagram "@nick.soc" to stay updated on new publications!
Ep. 0 - Introduction
"Introduction to the Cybersecurity Podcast with a brief story about the author.Follow me on Spotify, LinkedIn, and Instagram "@nick.soc" to stay updated on new releases."
Cybersecurity Warrior - Trailer
"Cybersecurity Warrior Trailer!Are you sure you can keep up?Let's find out together!Follow me on Spotify, LinkedIn, and Instagram "@nick.soc" to stay updated on new releases!"
"Cybersecurity Warrior" is content designed and created by Nicolas Fasolo for all professionals working in the field of computer science who want to understand how the minds of those who attack and defend an IT infrastructure truly work. Each episode explains everything from a specific perspective, with considerations from both parties involved.[LinkedIn]: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolasfasolo-mw-analyst/"[Instagram]: "@nick.soc"