An urban fantasy podcast of tape recordings by the curator of a secretive London-based art auction house.The Phosphene Catalogue is a 1970s mail-order catalogue...
Featured in this fortnight's issue of the Catalogue: Morgan Le Fey, a 3-volume set by Jacob SprengerMariners' Risk, a watercolour painting by Sarah PorterSubscriber to our patreon for bonus episodes, merch, and more! 📓 Free transcript:🦣 Mastodon 🎙️ Recorded using a RODE NT-1 v5 USB in 32-bit float, edited with REAPER on Linux 🙏 CREDITSThe voice of Jude Francis-Sharp is Wolfie ThornsThe show is written and produced by Tris Oaten❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who supports us, but especially our Patreon Art Producers:- Stephen McCandless
2.6 - The Garden & Golden Oracle
Featured in this fortnight's issue of the Catalogue: "The Garden" a watercolour painting by Josephine Croft"Golden Oracle", a linen tapestry Kurbak and PoschThe next episode available is available TODAY for subscribers: 📓 Free transcript: 🦣 Mastodon 🎙️ Recorded using a RODE NT-1 v5 USB in 32-bit float, edited with REAPER on Linux 🙏 CREDITSThe voice of Jude Francis-Sharp is Wolfie ThornsThe show is written and produced by Tris Oaten❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who supports us, but especially our Patreon Art Producers:- Stephen McCandless
2.5 - Portrait of a Young Man & Casket of Wonders
Featured in this fortnight's issue of the Catalogue: "Portrait of a Young Man", an oil painting by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino"Casket of Wonders", a walnut box by Embriachi Workshop📓 Free transcript:🦣 Mastodon 🎙️ Recorded using a RODE NT-1 v5 USB in 32-bit float, edited with REAPER on Linux 🙏 CREDITSThe voice of Jude Francis-Sharp is Wolfie ThornsThe show is written and produced by Tris Oaten❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who supports us, but especially our Patreon Art Producers:- Stephen McCandless
2.4 - Happenings & Fey Tails
Featured in this fortnight's issue of the Catalogue: "The Juniper Tree", an oil painting by Olive YorkeThe next episode available is available TODAY for subscribers: 📓 Free transcript: 🦣 Mastodon 🎙️ Recorded using a RODE NT-1 v5 USB in 32-bit float, edited with REAPER on Linux 🙏 CREDITSThe voice of Jude Francis-Sharp is Wolfie ThornsThe show is written and produced by Tris Oaten❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who supports us, but especially our Patreon Art Producers:- Stephen McCandless
2.3 - The Sentinal & The Unquiet
Featured in this fortnight's issue of the Catalogue: "The Sentinel", a statue by Audrey Pennington"The Unquiet", a late 18th Century. Bronze Singing BowlThe next episode available is available TODAY for subscribers: 📓 Free transcript: 🦣 Mastodon 🎙️ Recorded using a RODE NT-1 v5 USB in 32-bit float, edited with REAPER on Linux 🙏 CREDITSThe voice of Jude Francis-Sharp is Wolfie ThornsThe show is written and produced by Tris Oaten❤️ Thank you so much to everyone who supports us, but especially our Patreon Art Producers:- Stephen McCandless
An urban fantasy podcast of tape recordings by the curator of a secretive London-based art auction house.The Phosphene Catalogue is a 1970s mail-order catalogue, specialising in those items that cannot be sold at other auction houses: Paintings of lost origin, statues that are too grotesque for public display, and books better left unread...Episodes fortnightly.