The mission of this podcast is the formation of your heart in love and for love, Together, we shore up the natural, human foundation for your spiritual formati...
159 Who Are My Parts and Why Do They Battle Within Me?
Dr. Gerry Crete helps us unravel the confusion within us, why we have such deep internal conflicts and tensions that pull us in different directions and tear at our hearts. St. Paul tells us in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” What’s up with that? Parts. Parts are up with that, that’s what -- or who. And in this episode, Dr. Gerry and Bridget Adams shed so much light on our internal experience in our fallen human condition. Join us to learn about how parts, despite their good intentions and desires to help us, can generate impulses toward addictions and other problematic and even sinful behaviors. Learn how critical it is for parts to be integrated, to collaborate cooperatively with your inmost self, and most importantly, how parts can join in your loving God and neighbor with your whole heart in Dr. Gerry’s experiential exercise. For the full video experience with visuals, graphics, and discussion in the comments section, check us out on our YouTube channel here:
158 Who is Your Inmost Self?
Who are you, deep inside, at the core of your being? Who lives in the inmost chamber of your personhood? Join us on an adventure to discover your core identity. Catholic experts Dr. Gerry Crete and Dr. Peter Martin find the convergences and synergies in Scripture, the early Church Fathers, the Eastern and Western Catholic monastic traditions, Doctors of the Church, the medieval Catholic theologians, the writings of contemplative saints, and the magisterial teachings of the Church -- supplemented by attachment theory, Internal Family Systems and other parts and systems approaches in the modern era – all in the service of answering the question – “Who is my inmost self?” What do the words inmost self, heart, soul, “nous,” and the “eyes of the soul” mean from a Catholic perspective? We bring together the best of the old and new, the spiritual and the secular, to help you know who you are at your core, all grounded in an authentically Catholic understanding of your human person. With an experiential exercise from Dr. Gerry, too. For the full experience with visuals, slides, B-roll, conversation and discussion in the comments section and so much more, check us out on our YouTube channel here:
157 Overview of Internal Family Systems -- Catholic Style
We offer you a new and better way of understanding yourself and others – Internal Family Systems (IFS). But what is IFS? What are “parts”? Who are our internal managers, firefighters, and exiles? Who is your innermost self and what are his or her eight primary characteristics? What are burdens and what are the extreme roles parts take on after trauma, attachment injuries, or relational wounds? What is “blending”? Join IFS therapists Marion Moreland, David Edwards, and me, Dr. Peter, for this overview of IFS as we begin our 2025 deep dive into IFS, grounded in a Catholic understanding of the human person – not just with information for our heads, but also with an experiential exercise for our hearts. For the full experience with visuals, slides, B-roll, conversation and discussion in the comments section and so much more, check us out on our YouTube channel here:
156 Attachment, Love, God, and Parts: Q&A with Dr. Peter Martin
Real people, real questions. Parts, attachment, human formation, marriage, conscience, intimacy with God, connection with your innermost self… Dr. Peter Martin answers audience questions and leads a discussion in this episode, recorded live. Join in as a “fly on the wall” for the most cutting edge thinking and research on attachment and parts work, applied to the practical problems and issues we face in both the natural and spiritual realms. Join us on YouTube at InteriorIntegration4Catholics to like, subscribe, ask questions, and comment -- we'll connect with you there.
155 You Evangelizing You – “Internal Evangelization”
You loving you. You bringing each of your parts closer to God, in a gentle, merciful way. Dr. Peter Martin shares his insights on how we can love ourselves toward God, informed by attachment theory and Internal Family Systems, and grounded in a Catholic understanding of the human person. He presents on “Internal Evangelization Therapy” – bringing in safe havens, secure bases, the “Circle of Security,” spiritual intercessors, the discernment of spirits, and how to “bypass the spiritual bypass.” This episode focuses on how to bring home to God the “lost sheep” within us – the outcast parts, the inner lepers, the blind parts, the lame, the tax collectors, the parts condemned by other parts as sinners.
The mission of this podcast is the formation of your heart in love and for love, Together, we shore up the natural, human foundation for your spiritual formation as a Catholic. St. Thomas Aquinas asserts that without this inner unity, without this interior integration, without ordered self-love, you cannot enter loving union with God, your Blessed Mother, or your neighbor. Informed by Internal Family Systems approaches and grounded firmly in a Catholic understanding of the human person, this podcast brings you the best information, the illuminating stories, and the experiential exercises you need to become more whole in the natural realm. This restored human formation then frees you to better live out the three loves in the two Great Commandments – loving God, your neighbor, and yourself. Check out the Resilient Catholics Community which grew up around this podcast at