Treg and Vicky recap their most recent races and give a little update on how training for their respective marathons are going. They discuss Treg's infamous race curse, Vicky's therapy updates, and hot takes (kinda...)
Ep. 10: Your 2024 Running Wins
Treg and Vicky read out your 2024 running wins (thank your for the submissions!) and are extremely inspired by everything you've overcome this past year. It's been an awesome season 2 of the pod, see you in the new year!
Ep. 9: Bone Stress Injuries
Treg and Vicky discuss everything you need to know about bone stress injuries including how to determine if you have one, treatment protocols, and prevention tips!
Treg and Vicky discuss their recent race experiences which leads them down a path of discussing important topics like how determine if you're fueling enough and what to do when those negative thoughts hit during a race.
Treg and Vicky discuss piriformis syndrome and hamstring tendinopathy in today's episode. This discussion starts at 18:23 after Treg and Vicky recap their weeks.