Ep. 13 Dark Side Of Psychology: Musings on Profiling A Serial Killer [Part II] (feat. Lee Mellor)
Find me and my podcasts on twitter: @spartanmindpsy Ep. 13 of my series Dark Side of Psychology is the second of a 2-part series about profiling a mass shooter. Part II of the series is a discussion with Lee Mellor (@ProfMellor on Twitter).
My thoughts on this topic are also summarised in my article published recently in Areo: https://areomagazine.com/2018/04/03/profiling-a-mass-shooter-why-is-it-so-complicated/
Ep. 12 Dark Side Of Psychology: Musings on Profiling A Serial Killer [Part I] (feat. Doc Amitay)
Find me and my podcasts on twitter: @spartanmindpsy Ep. 12 of my series Dark Side of Psychology is the first of a 2-part series about profiling a mass shooter. Part I of the series is a discussion with Dr. Oren Amitay (@docamitay on Twitter).
Ep. 11 Dark Side Of Psychology: Let's Talk About Paedophilia [Part II] (feat. Dr. Craig Harper)
[WARNING: this episode contains controversial content that may trigger a knee-jerk disgust response].
Find me and my podcasts on twitter: @spartanmindpsy Ep. 11 of my series Dark Side of Psychology is the second of a 2-part interview with Dr. Craig Harper (@craigharper19 on Twitter) exploring the very controversial subject of differentiating paedophiles from sexual offenders. We discuss moral disgust, knee jerk reactions, and sexual orientations.
Ep. 10 Dark Side Of Psychology: Let's Talk About Paedophilia [Part I] (feat. Dr. Craig Harper)
Find me and my podcasts on twitter: @spartanmindpsy Ep. 10 of my series Dark Side of Psychology is the first of a 2-part interview with Dr. Craig Harper exploring the very controversial subject of differentiating paedophiles from sexual offenders. We discuss moral disgust, knee jerk reactions, and sexual orientations.
Ep. 9 Dark Side Of Psychology: The Origin of Warfare - When One Chimp Bitch-Slapped Another
Find me and my podcasts on twitter: @spartanmindpsy Ep. 9 of my series Dark Side of Psychology explores the origins of warfare and the bizarre politicisation of the research into Chimpanzee warfare. The findings have significant consequences on our understanding of Human Nature.
Ascolta Dark Side Of Psychology, Il podcast di Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Lezioni e Conferenze. e molti altri podcast da tutto il mondo con l’applicazione di radio.it