Join history buff, Mike Corradi on a journey through time as he unfolds the rich tapestry of the Italian peninsula's history. This chronological story starts wi...
After doing his part for the French in the second Italian War Cesare Borgia heads back to Rome to concur with his father pope Alexander VI. They take care of some internal business with the Colonna, Orsini and Savelli and Cesare takes some time to kill some bulls and impregnate a few women.Then Cesare heads back to expand his duchy of Romagna aiming for Camerino and Urbino of the Montefeltro, while his captains, particularly Vitelozzo Vitelli and Giampsolo Baglioni.As Cesare rises higher, those around him, even the allies, start to worry.
180 - The Challenge of Barletta (1503)
We first follow the life of the military captain Ettore Fieramosca (Hector Proudfly) and his troubled love story with Ginvenra da Monreale which ended tragically after the intervention of Cesare Borgia.We then move to the lead up and action to one of the most famous duels in Italian history, the Challenge of Barletta (La Disfida di Barletta) in which 13 Italian knights faced off against 13 French knights lead by Guy De La Motte to defend the honour of Italian arms.The duel would resound throughout Italian history reaching through the Italian Risorgimento to the Fascist era.The Italians:Francesco SalamoneMarco CorollarioRiccio Da Parma Gugliemo albamonte Mariano marcio AbignenteGiovanni Capoccio da Giovanni BrancaleoneLudocivo AbenavoloEttore GiovenaleGiovanni Bartolomeo Fanfulla Romanello da ForlìEttore Gioveneale de pazzisThe French:Charles de torguesMarc De FrigneGirout de ForsesClaude Grajan D'asteMartellin de lambrisPierre de liayeJacques de la fontaineEliot de barautJean De LandesSacet de saceetFrancois de piseJacques de GuignesNaute de la Faise
179 - Italian Wars 9: The Fall of Naples and France vs Spain
Naples once again falls to the French of king Luis XII, but once again they can't hold on to it for long as the delicate agreement with the Spanish of Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand quickly melts away and the legendary general Gonzalo De Cordoba manages to win the kingdom of Naples for his sovereigns with great victories at Cerignola and on the Garigliano river among others.We also see a little involvement of our old pal Cesare Borgia and hear about a tragic love triangle he was involved in with a woman called Ginevra da Monreale and a man who will resound through Italian history and literature called Hector Proudfly, Ettore Fieramosca.
178 New triumphs for Cesare and Naples under three (again) 1500 - 1501
We follow Cesare Borgia as he continues his conquest ousting Giovanni Sforza from Pesaro, Pandolfo Malatesta from Rimini and Astorre Manfredi from Faenza. We are also introduced to one of his most important generals, Vitelozzo Vitelli and his vengeful hatred for the Republic of Florence who executed his brother.Finally, France and Spain reach a secret pact for the division of the kingdom of Naples.
177 - Italian Wars 8 - Il Moro back in Milan… for a bit (1500 - 1508)
With the French hold on Milan looking weak, Ludovico il Moro sees his chance to take his duchy back, but only manages for a while before he is defeated at the Battle of Novara, made prisoner and taken to France where he will spend the rest of his days in captivity.
Join history buff, Mike Corradi on a journey through time as he unfolds the rich tapestry of the Italian peninsula's history. This chronological story starts with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and leads you through the most iconic events, influential figures, and cultural milestones that have shaped Italy into what we see today. It’s all serious stuff, but we do take time to stop and laugh at battles over a bucket, rude names, naughty priests and popes, rabbits winning sieges, doves winning battles, bits of dead bodies as tokens of love, and whole series of real historical silly situations that no comedian could think of.
Come along every other week for a compelling and insightful glimpse into A History of Italy.