Abbaiare alla luna
In questo episodio parliamo di cani che "abbaiano alla luna", di come riconoscere abbai diversi ma anche di sirene dell'ambulanza e di come i lupi farebbero a meno di una luna a cui ululare.
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Riferimenti bibliografici:
Ausband, D. E., Bassing, S. B., & Mitchell, M. S. (2020). Environmental and social factors influencing wolf (Canis lupus) howling behavior. Ethology, 126(9), 890-899.
Kořanová, D., Němcová, L., Policht, R., Hart, V., Begall, S., & Burda, H. (2021). Wolf Howling and Emergency Sirens: A Hypothesis of Natural and Technical Convergence of Aposematic Signals. Acta Biotheoretica, 69, 53-65.
Lehoczki, F., Andics, A., Kershenbaum, A., Kubinyi, E., Passilongo, D., Root-Gutteridge, H., ... & Faragó, T. (2023). Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs’ reactions towards howls. Communications Biology, 6(1), 129.
Maros, K., Pongrácz, P., Bárdos, G., Molnár, C., Faragó, T., & Miklósi, Á. (2008). Dogs can discriminate barks from different situations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 114(1-2), 159-167.
Molnár, C., Pongrácz, P., Faragó, T., Dóka, A., & Miklósi, Á. (2009). Dogs discriminate between barks: The effect of context and identity of the caller. Behavioural processes, 82(2), 198-201.
Pongrácz, P., Molnár, C., Dóka, A., & Miklósi, Á. (2011). Do children understand man's best friend? Classification of dog barks by pre-adolescents and adults. Applied animal behaviour science, 135(1-2), 95-102.
Pongrácz, P., Molnár, C., & Miklosi, A. (2006). Acoustic parameters of dog barks carry emotional information for humans. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 100(3-4), 228-240.
Pongrácz, P., Molnár, C., & Miklósi, Á. (2010). Barking in family dogs: an ethological approach. The Veterinary Journal, 183(2), 141-147.
Pongrácz, P., Molnár, C., Miklósi, A., & Csányi, V. (2005). Human listeners are able to classify dog (Canis familiaris) barks recorded in different situations. Journal of comparative psychology, 119(2), 136.
Yin, S., & McCowan, B. (2004). Barking in domestic dogs: context specificity and individual identification. Animal behaviour, 68(2), 343-355.