This is the Regan Hillyer Show with Regan Hillyer - a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, mindset coach, and global speaker that helps anyone breakthrough to n...
The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting with Megan Porter
The Mindvalley Show - Regan Hillyer & Megan Pormer - Episode # 49 🎙️ Listen Up! Latest Podcast 🎙️ In this month’s podcast, The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting - a part of the Mindvalley Show Series, I talk with Megan Pormer, just after my session with engaged Mindvalley clients - 2 hours with over 500 people, live and on site - to show them the principles of manifestation. We discuss how I used the power of a psychedelic experience…without pharmaceutical psychedelics! And the impact this had on the assembled gathering. It’s all about unblocking the unconscious mind and the benefits that can be achieved through this transformation. Understanding my exclusive, unique methodology - the Energetic Architecture Method which is my gateway to mastering the art of manifesting exactly what it is that you desire most in every aspect of your life. Megan and I also discuss the pathway to one’s natural state - pure abundance and what are the pieces that we all carry that block our pathway to manifestation and the route to surrendering back into our natural selves and being an energetic match for what we want to call in. The soul is untarnished, it is pure light and speaks to you through desire, our higher selves calling us back home. And, with practice, you can discern whether your desires are coming from your soul or your ego’s limiting constructs! This podcast, The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting with the Mindvalley Show Series, is over an hour and a half of golden gems of information and the joys of reclaiming your power, receiving absolute clarity and enjoying infinite potentiality. Join us to hear the whole podcast and find out exactly how this works. Listen here! Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
🎙️ How To Manifest Anything - The Daniela Baumann Show 🎙️
Listen here as I chat with the renowned Daniela Bauman and we discuss How To Manifest Anything and how it can change your life - as it has changed mine. We uncover exactly what manifestation is - a dream, a vision or a prayer and how to translate and anchor it into your life and into the physical - into matter. Manifestation is a tool that I have used for over fifteen years now, to shape my life. I discuss with Daniela how you can create a life of abundance through the techniques behind manifestation and that you can get to have it all, on your own terms. It’s about manifesting from the intentions of one’s highest self. I know that manifestation tools are based on science, they are tools that come from the realm of quantum physics and are practical and applicable and Daniella and I uncover this in this podcast, and how to use these tools and modalities for the best. We are all beings of frequency and energetic ‘feeling’ beings that affect our manifestations. It’s about acknowledging your unconscious reality, realising where you are, and knowing that it has no bearing on your future reality. You can change your future at any moment, you have the capability and the power, you just need to understand and know how to use the tools that are there for you. It’s knowing that you have the chance to disconnect yourself from your reality and completely rewrite the story, using my Energetic Architecture Method™. We share some of my success stories, and what coaching and mentoring will look like in the future, and how manifestation tools and techniques can make a real, lasting impact in your life. But! Remember, you have to do the inner work first and you have to participate. And, here’s where you start to understand this process. Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Embracing The Journey: From Trauma to Transcendence with Regan and Auroara Leigh from Simply Sacred
Struggling with deeper trauma? The “BIG T” sort of trauma? 🎙️ Listen up 🎙️ In this latest podcast, I speak with Auroara Leigh from Simply Sacred as we discuss past trauma and the management of, and the healing of. I believe that the best healing for individuals suffering from trauma is to be brought back to their natural state - the frequency of your soul - pure light, peace, abundance and joy. There are a number of things that can conspire to take us away from this pure state and this is the experience of trauma, these things can be huge and life shattering or they can be perceived as minor on any sliding scale. What I do know is that this state of arrival can be recalibrated, shifted and restored. Aurora and I also discuss manifestation, soul-led understandings, self-love and self-worth and stepping into personal visions. The ability to upgrade every single layer of your being with heart-felt consciousness and the feeling that you are enough. In this rapidly evolving world, the importance of managing trauma, of all levels, and returning back to your true essence and understanding divine ethos, with a safe guide is incredibly important. Clinging to an old narrative is the block and freedom is finding and understanding your purpose and creating outside of a trauma that doesn't define you forever. Emotions are like tatsebuds…we have a range of them, and you have the capacity to feel something to allow it to shift and to move the emotions. Join us to hear the whole podcast and find out exactly how this works. Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Evolve Shift and Grow!
Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?
Listen to my latest podcast with Ziva Meditation and Emily Fletcher and find out what I’m most proud of! It’s around being calm. Can you manifest calm? When all else is imploding around you, can you find the eye of the hurricane and manufacture stillness for yourself? My life wasn't always this calm! And in my early years of leaning into and creating my first million dollars, I sure wasn’t calm! I was only sleeping three hours a night, surrounded by toxic people, micromanaging everything, and living off Red Bull and coffee! Frankly, I was a mess!!! Even though I was financially successful, I was so far out of alignment with my soul, I was ‘manufacturing’ not surrendering and calling in manifestation, controlling every little thing and every little piece of my journey. And that’s not healthy. In this latest podcast with Emily, we discuss the pathway to finding that inspirational moment, that moment where you say “Ah ha” and truly understand how it should be done. And, how you can find and create that pathway. It’s also about coming home to your soul and really knowing what comes from your higher guidance, leaning into the truth of who you are, and being truly open to receiving. And, taking the nuanced road to intentionally manifesting what you really desire. Enjoy!
This is the Regan Hillyer Show with Regan Hillyer - a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, mindset coach, and global speaker that helps anyone breakthrough to new levels of success in their personal and professional life.
The episodes will showcase Regan speaking on her own experiences as well as with leaders, artist and creators who are changing the business landscape and living a life of total freedom and abundance.